Everyone who thinks Buick makes a more reliable car than Honda stand on your head.
Everyone who thinks Buick makes a more reliable car than Honda stand on your head.
“Seamen, their first special since getting rid of the studio and committing to four adventure films a year, is 90 minutes long, which is about 60 minutes too long. Its title is a gross and unfunny joke.”
In 2019 Toyota sold 448,068 RAV4s in the US and Tesla sold 367,500 vehicles worldwide. My numbers are correct.
For every Amazon there are 100 Pets dot com.
I only use these apps when they throw money at me, but I always make sure to tip extra.
Tesla is currently valued higher than Toyota. Toyota sells more Rav4s in America than Tesla sells cars worldwide..
Remember back when Infinity was kicking ass with the G35 and FX35? In those days it seemed like they could take on the competition and win.
How many barbed wire tattoos does one require to qualify for purchase?
The star of the cult classics Jeepers Keepers and Accepted? No, I did not have to look him up.
I think I speak for most people here when I say “Fuck this”.
My kids screaming.
Yes, both the computer and the meat computer failed miserably here.
It looks like this wine is 11% ABV. Since this is essentially four bottles, it would be like having a single 750ml bottle of 44% ABV liquor. I don’t think it would kill me (as an incredibly experienced drinker), but I’d likely wake up on the neighbours lawn, naked and cuddled up to a garden gnome.
Plug in hybrids offer a maybe 80%+ reduction in burnt fossil fuels, with none of the drawbacks of EVs.
This is the stupidest thing since the Trump presidency.
*Pew Pew*
Wrong article. There's no clean truck here.
Just wanted to say that I'm loving your contributions to the site. Always interesting and enthusiastic!
Technically beer, wine and cider are fermented foods.