$35,000? American? Isn't that about the same price as a Mustang GT?
$35,000? American? Isn't that about the same price as a Mustang GT?
There goes my hero
“The wine only ships within the U.S., so if you live elsewhere, sorry, you’re out of luck.”
Now this is good Takeout!
I was told full self driving had arrived.
But EVs work for single, apartment dwelling tech bros from California, so they should work for everyone!
Twice the chance of a drivetrain failure? Toyota's hybrid taxis would like a word with you.
It doesn't matter if it's a silly metric to you, it's not your money.
It really comes down to purchase price, range and availability of a charging network.
The cycling/Harley/EV enthusiast.
I’m in the region of North America with the fewest cases, no one will accept my excuses.
She's a dirty girl.
That must get weird with the ground beef...
My neighbour is the crazy lawn guy (he comes home during his lunch break and mows half his lawn). After a few offhand comments about my lawn (it’s tidy and mowed but far from perfect) and me doing nothing about it, he picked all the dandelions along the border of our properties and piled them in my flowerbed.
Do you wash all your meat or just chicken?
If that's full self driving, then I'm packing a full 12 inches.
I have a cold fusion reactor in my basement.
Plus most are driven by weird nerds.
So it’s full self driving, but doesn’t work well and requires human intervention?
One question. Answer it or don’t respond.