
don’t know why, but it does...

Man they had some good cocaine in those days.... just saying... from what I heard... lol

These were great little cheap things back in the day. Mostly Geo Trackers in the 90's not so much Suzuki branded. earlier models had a big old sticker on the dash for rollover warning. lol. This being a stick/4x4/hard top its all good.

Good luck getting any conviction/ticket. Pilot can simply say he was having mechanical problems. (that would be my excuse) and was looking to possible water landing but was able to recover. Of course assuming he doesnt own the plane, then he kinda fucked.

Love to see Fords version of this against Jeep. lol

So my 2014 cruze with 180,000 miles is worth $10k?! Awesome! Who wants?

There is absolutely no way this thing is usable. As soon as you punch that much power your front end will flip and smack yah in the face instantly... kinda dumb. 

Only because it was actually a Mazda...

Well that saved me some money then... :)

Bring it back to North America, it will be on the next Nice Price or No Dice for $6,900.

base 2 door stick v6 please... ill do my own mods/wheels. :)

$14k? Shit I’d buy one right now. That’s what jeep should be starting at.

Google maps and yelp all you need. Maps obviously to figure out where you going and gas stations. you can setup your roadtrip and save it. Yelp to figure out where you are going to eat/stay/etc... at each stop. Easy.. :)

No stick - no turbo - no dice

...and for the win... find one of these 90's Suburu SVX (cheap), mod it out, wrap it. You win...

As a confessed Fiero junkie, I do love my fiero’s...!

damnit, your ruining my dreams!

I see them all the time. Nice car, not my styling though, screams high-end lambo-haha-justkidding-fiero-kitcar... 

That looks like so much fun, I was pushing the the rabbit/golf to win... lol

Tried to buy one of these generations of mini’s, and literally every gearhead and shop i know said stay far away nothing but problems. i think they look cool and drive like go carts, but it sounds like a car you own with warranty only...