
So here’s the thing - a lot of players play with injuries that require surgery (stuff like partially torn MCLs, cartilage damage, torn bicep, etc.), but they don’t report it because it doesn’t affect your mobility or speed, it just fucking hurts, and if you can deal with the pain, all you need to do is get it fixed

“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”

These are pretty much useless crap, outside of the belt which could be useful in a pinch.

Classic Coach K, beating Calipari at “one and done.”

Granted that was poor strategy by the Sanders team in the primary, and I think he lost fair and square, but seeing as how all those states went red in general regardless, it certainly doesn’t prove that Sanders would have done worse than she did. vs Trump.

Maybe if more candidates hadn’t been strong armed to the side before it even got started. Maybe if an actual visible debate schedule had been created. Maybe if all the major donors hadn’t been funneled towards the favored candidate.

Because the DNC is a shitty organization that is run by moronic party leaders that have absolutely no grasp on the values that their voting base desires in a candidate and instead gives someone a lifetime participation award in the form of a mismanaged and negligently uninformed presidential campaign?

The DNC torpedoed Sanders. There were a couple emails and news stories floating around about it a few months ago.

I get being upset if it’s the team that’s up by 11 that tries the shot but to get your panties in a twist just because the losing team tries to make the score a little more respectable? Fuck off.

Sherman crossed the line here, but Jim Moore is a fucking hack who doesn’t engender a lot of sympathy from me.

Google says that he makes the same $8M as Carroll, so we are both right.

And if that was a dunk then I’ve been throwing down since 5th grade.

Being a 9/11 truther does not make someone a piece of shit. It’s not the idea that makes a piece of shit, it’s how you go about presenting your message...kind of like how I feel about religious types.

Best. Soccer game. Ever.

I know right, stick to sports!!!!!!

Don’t go to the comment section of a sports/humor website on an article about domestic violence then. You can’t seek something out then get annoyed it exists.

You act like he made this joke at a support group meeting.

...are you new here?

Molitor required an eight-hour surgery and had her jaw wired shut

The difference between you girlfriend telling everyone about your small dick and her posting a picture of it on Facebook.