
World Cup Ticket: $10
Popcorn: $250
Water: $100
Hot Dog: $400
Bathroom Permit: $115
Beer: OAC

It will take a set of big balls to run this course without a wipeout.

Nice skates, but mascots are required to wear the full uniform when in public view.

I'm no Glassblower, but this ranks right up there with 9/11.

Since when did Iowa play in the SEC?

+9 months

Way to go dickhead, now more jackasses are going to think all Seahawk fans are just like you.


Don't be a Rangers fan?

Sure, when you include the vote of marine life in your little poll Stern is bound to look good.

"He ain't shit!"

The best part is that there is a group called the Bear League that will come to your house and make sure that the bear sleeping underneath it is well-situated and safe.

Ian obviously thought the guy was a Packer fan from Houston.

Calvin has really let himself go.

(already done)

Which one is Jesse and which one is Martin?

Accuser: "I blame that rich rod."

That's pretty yellow of Ledbetter to call out Lynch. Almost like he want's to keep all the players tied up like an Animal on his Porch with a Leash, he needs to be a Better Man than that.

Safest place in America to dump a body.

So after the draft, how many of these guys applied for citizenship in the CFL?