
Barry, sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier about the graphic for your piece but I am on my honeymoon after all. What you want to do sounds pretty basic.....I'm sure you will do fine.

"this is me,"

It's the second inning.....where the hell is the open thread for the celebrity softball game?

That's nothing, the sitting area around Berman and company looks like the floor of a private booth at the Cinnamon Hippo.

Just how the hell are you only 22!?!?

Nice to see the Diamondbacks have the cleavage-cam working, and I thought putting a pool in a ballpark was fucking bad!

"Yeah I am a couple of hundred thousand dollars in debt thanks to St.Lawrence University. I mean it's crazy"

If you add each time he says 'gone' to the list above, it will look like my MSN messenger log file.

"Will LeBron be redeemed in the eyes of the public three years from now?"

NHL Playoffs > NBA Playoffs .

Quit whining and play the game if you want the first pick. Bring a rescue puppy with bone cancer to the next lottery. And make damn sure it has those sad eyes or you will lose that pick to Portland next year. I hear they have a baby seal with alopecia and the Trailblazer GM is donating his hair to make it a wig.

Consider Pearl Harbor avenged.

Has anyone ever seen a douchier personal plate than this one? The prick even failed to double park properly.

All these people listening to a man who can only get a job that pays him $1 a year.

If it's on Tuesday it will be on Versus. God forbid the wrath bestowed upon them if Biggest Loser is preempted...those fans are gangsta!

That Carnegie Cup is ours next year you Princeton BITCHES!!

Can someone list any good federal crimes that I could commit? Sounds like all I would need is a public defender to get away it.

Dear Manny,

OK, which one of you fucks told her we jerk off in the mens room?!? State secret asshole! I'm going to need your man-card back.