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Maybe a NP if I could have seen the engine bay and a picture of the original parts box; which included the original rims and steering wheel.

It was a twofer ad and it looks like the Brat has already been sold.

They literally gave the school $15,000,000 five years ago, it doesn’t take a ton of critical thinking to take the financial hit of $5,000 just for the good P.R. vs. negative P.R.

It’s hard for me to believe that “frat bros” aren’t a huge demographic for a show in which they ask people questions as they eat progressively hotter chicken wings.

... you’ll have to live without the estate car practicality.

For sure. That little shit got to work significantly better hours and people treated him preferentially in other situations; for example he had an on set tutor and a female companion that he disgustingly called “mother”.

You have to give them that they at least read the comics, Matt just looked at the Wikipedia entry for Shalla-Bal.

The Republican party decided that violence was acceptable political speech, not sure how that isn’t something to worry about in your view?

I’ve yet to see anyone say what duty as President he’s actually fucked up because he’s old.

Po-Tay-Toes, I say!

It’s worse than that.

I felt that living/dying was to the point that since the end of the Clone War’s (plus or minus some time) she had simply been existing or reacting to the world, not “Living” in it. So the choice was did she want to go back and literally and figuratively live or did she just want to die and be done with it.

Always super weird that he’s the person pushing this kind of shit.

I think the only guilt should be fore anyone telling anyone else how they should play/enjoy a single player game.

The game literally allows you to set how many quick saves it will store at a time.