
Totally agree with you. I just don’t think we need to create another route for creepy and/or make it easier. As if we don’t already have enough privacy issues in the first place eh?

I figured that response is coming, and you’re right. But at least someone pulling a car up or creeping around your house can look somewhat suspicious. A lot of drones really can’t even be detected unless you’re specifically paying attention.

Do like I did and resign yourself to the fact that he will be president for the next four years, and there’s nothing you can do about it (short of committing a very serious crime). Then, if he does resign or get impeached, you can have a party!!... until Pence takes over.

Helicopters, planes, and satellites are also generally registered in the event that one of them is used to commit a crime (generally, not always). And while you’re right that most people aren’t interested in stalking, you’d be foolish to think that people don’t use them to do things like follow pretty girls around on

It’s the same world where someone could fly their drone to my house and take videos and pictures of my home and me without me ever knowing it. Drones are fun, but they are also incredibly creepy.

Yea I get what you’re saying, but all car buying isn’t simply based on numbers. For example, I wouldn’t buy a cheaper Hyundai because, first of all, it’s ugly as sin (basically a late model Prius design rip off), and second of all, it’s a Korean auto maker. These things are all subjective to my personal tastes.


I 100% agree with this. I shelved Destiny because all that was left was endless Nightfalls and Raids that were so complicated that a casual player couldn’t really enjoy them. I don’t play games like they are a job, I don’t have time to learn the intricacies like “take two steps left, look up 37.6 degrees, and then

It’s a manufacturer plate... so probably Chrysler...

Ballaban, you’re gonna feel pretty shitty if a plane goes down from a bomb in the next few days. Not cool dude.

It doesn’t matter. The title makes it sounds like 1,400 people are just going to be told to pack their shit and fuck off, and that’s not even remotely close to what’s happening. It makes it sound like this is some sort of catastrophic result of dismal auto sales, and again, that’s not the case.

Lay off is sort of misleading. They’re offering retirement buyouts, which Ford was probably going to do anyway by September. Basically, it’s just not rehiring natural attrition to a large extent, but maybe forcing that attrition a little earlier than planned for some folks.

Dodge Dealers... as dumb as Tesla customers.

The loudest people in the room as usually the dumbest...

That’s exactly it. I work for GM, and even I think it’s disingenuous for news outlets to report that Ford is SLASHING it’s workforce when they haven’t confirmed how they are going to do it yet. I mean, I know Jalop writers need their clicks, but lets at least wait for the actual news.

Yea I know, it was more of a rhetorical question than anything else. I’m just tired of getting my ears assaulted every time I watch one of these damn things.

Why does it seem like the strategy of every person related to this administration is to just get angry and yell at people? I don’t get why everything needs to be so contentious! 

This is probably how a lot of those jobs will be removed across the industry. I wouldn’t expect 20,000 pink slips, just a lot of not re-hiring after retirements.

He’ll last. How do you suppose anyone gets rid of him? The American people certainly don’t get a say. And the Republican party is full of cowards. And apparently he’ll just fire anyone who has anything negative to say about him. He’s like King Geoffry. He’s just an arrogant whiny little pussy. Now we just need

People who pick Miracle Whip over Mayo should be forever forced to eat only plain Oatmeal for the rest of your lives. It’s clear your taste buds don’t work anyway.