Campi the Bat

As much as I like the design, it’s a tough sell against the Yamaha XSR, 700 and 900.

If you want a twin, buy a Ducati. This is a different thing. It’s the weight of a much smaller bike, with all the engine of a much larger one.

As far as I know, it’s derived from a KTM 690 single, which is a fucking amazing engine. It doesn’t act like any single cylinder bike I’ve ever been on. It doesn’t have that super low RPM torque, and it loves to rev.

This is the motorcycle of the future

> Looks Like The Future

Careful now, don’t group 2 wheel Honda with 4. For ‘18-19, Big Red is showing some style. Even Grampas’ Gold Wing is looking pretty damn slick

The Elite 150 is properly ‘80s, but the the very Akira-esque cn 250 Helix / Fusion runs it a very close second:

Aunt bought me an Elite 80 when I was 13. Loved it. Unfortunately, scooters don’t get any respect here in the US. Too many motorcyclists are “compensating” so it is all about loud pipes and unusable speed.

fake wood trim

Just a word to the wise for all British global explorers... do not, I repeat do not go to the United States or Canada. The list of British explorers who have been run over, shot, stabbed and such in the North America is shockingly long. Travel through Mexico if you are attempting a transit around the world.

Am I the only one who thinks the new FE cars are the best looking single seater cars out there? Even with the Halo, I think they look better than most non-Halo single seaters. I especially love that split rear wing design. I know it’s probably not as effective for downforce as a single wide rear wing like in F1, but

The first thing any Army recruiter will tell you is to never believe an Army recruiter. Unless they’re recruiting you. Then they’ll only tell you that after you sign.

It’s funny, but even vets that bitch endlessly about the VA wouldn’t trade it for something else.

I keep hearing Republicans say they want to bring “choice” to veterans’ health care, and I’m confused.

America’s best socialized healthcare is Medicare.

Yep. I paid fucking $975/month for a single bedroom in a three bedroom apartment in Shaw.

I live in Orange County. I’m paying $1,500 a month for a one-bedroom, and that’s only because the owner had to knock a few hundred dollars off market value because the last tenant committed suicide and most people are too scared to live there.

How long until service guarantees citizenship?

At this point republicans are just trying to fuck over as many people as possible to get slightly richer until this train careens off a cliff.