
Only in the very literal sense, that she got to actually breathe fresh air.

Maybe he was reading the recipe to her. (Favorite line of the night: "Listen, Norman, you've been reading a really long time - maybe you should lie down.")

They absolutely went full Astra in her styling - even her hair and makeup were decidedly Benantian when she was in the black catsuit. I loved it.

Like the first 20 minutes, actually - and thankfully so, as otherwise we would not have enjoyed the thrilling scene where an old lady makes a sandwich for her husband.


Then they'd be remaking GHOSTBUSTERS and THE FRIGHTENERS at the same time!

Pretty sure they were - I had a pet mouse once who had babies and that's exactly what they looked like. I will leave out the part where she then ate them.

Whenever I see that AT&T or whatever cell phone commercial that he is in it completely freaks me out to see him out of character.

Inside Daisy Cloverfield.

He should have served Constant Comment! No one ever gets murdered over a cup of Constant Comment.


Not to mention the Helen Reddy Killer.

I don't know the specific reference, but I love that any time anyone on this show mentions a specific place - restaurant, bar, auto mechanic, whatever - it's on East Cameron. HOW LONG IS THIS STREET?!

With a vengeance.

The very suggestion of a House of Leaves simulator just made my genitals retract into my body cavity. GAAAAHHHHHH.

It beats R. Kelly's "Finally Out of P-E-E".

I took it to mean he took the little plastic bucket and went out into the hotel hallway, never to be heard from again.

Agreed. My favorite moment is when all the kids are creatively insulting Angela at the dance and one kid's contribution is a simple "Yo Angela - why you so fucked up?" Gets me every time.

Everyone knows the poor man suffers from Baldwin's. You should be ashamed of yourself.

THANK YOU. I will be watching this all evening.