
This is a cool article, unexpected, and I enjoyed it. Still, why leave out his work on X-Files as Luther Lee Boggs? Beyond the Sea is one of the best episodes of the series, owing almost entirely to him.

"There's new character types…" should be "There are new character types…"
"It’s fortunate that there’s so many details…" should be "It's fortunate that there are so many details…"

I'm not worried about the logistics of a civilian getting a gas mask or hazmat suit in a universe that includes superpowers.

If "sharing the same air" is what allows Kilgrave to infect people with his do-what-I-say virus, then why don't they just wear hazmat masks or something? I'm only 1/10 being a smartass. I'd genuinely like to know if that's explained at some point.

Bo. If by "bow" you're referring to the long staff, I believe you mean bo.

If you're still eating at McDonald's in 2015, you deserve what you get.

I have a mint copy of the Sundials 7".