I’m not a game developer, but I am a software developer, so my response is: come on guys.
They expect me connect to their server EACH TIME I launch Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC, yet they won’t allow their employees to work using a remote access... (Yes, I’m being salty about Rockstar Games’ DRM.)
There’s tons of pokemon clones with more mature themes/stories out there now. I’m just not quite sure why they haven’t gotten any attention.
But does it have the Triple Triad music? Because if not I can’t see how it possibly could be better.
Yes. In their millions, all around the world.
SquareEnix: "300 million copies? What a financial disappointment."
I know most of the Minecraft community is 10 or younger, but I am beyond frustrated at the fact that the most-useless mob-enabled addition was voted into the game. The crab mob fundamentally improved QOL and abilities by enabling you to place blocks further. It would have sped up building in both Survival and…
interstate ‘96 would be sick.
Same with all the old Sierra Quest games.
After finally catching the Togetic, Mitchell can be heard shouting, “Holy crap! Finally!” He adds that the guys back at the station are “going to be so jealous.”
Especially when they refuse to invest in the company or employees. Every time big companies get lots of money they do stock buyback and and give CEOs raises (sometimes whole laying off regular staff!); instead of investing it back in it's employees and business practices that made it that money to begin with. This…
He sold 2,000 shares before the announcement, for what would have been around $78,000.
Yeah, the whole video is cringe.
The worst part is that the thumbnail image is of an actor who there is lots of facial data for. In fact for many of the characters in LA Noire this is true. LA Noire is actually the perfect kind of game to have tech like this layered on top, because its not hard to conceive of a real time facial filter looking to…
The few I saw before looked good and then I watched the actual video.
This, totally this! Halfway through reading this article I could almost guarantee Mr. Buscemi would appear in the comments!
I can’t imagine Pen Island was not deliberate.