
You’re not alone. I’ve got issues with high-waisted jeans, too. When people argue that high-waisted jeans make their legs look long, all I can think is that it makes them look like they have a long crotch, not longer legs. Or it looks like they’ve hiked their pants up to their armpits, old-man style.

Walked into the kitchen this evening, flipped on the light and spotted a perfectly ripe banana duct taped to the wall. I laughed my ass off.

helter Cat Update!

1. Most perks were so people would want to stay and work, not recruiting. It was not because the employer felt like everyone should work 4 hours a day and drink beer. It was so you’d be happier pulling 16 hour days and not leave the building.

I know this comment isn’t related to any of the headlines in the post but I am truly sad that Deadspin is over. 

Anyone got a transcript of this?  You know, like in an article I can read instead of playing a video at work?

The confusion over where he was shot sounds like hardware capable of putting down a lot of big rounds quick. Probably can’t tell the entry from the exit wounds. They know anyone with access to stuff like that and a reason to want this man dead? Where was the murderer’s cop boyfriend the night this brave young man was

It completely defies credulity that his death is not related to his testimony.

Thank goodness for those courtroom hugs, right?

Or maybe they do employ these “big words” when they are appropriate, but did not feel it was necessary to use them to make their point in this case? Thus proving that they don’t just use “fancy words” to sound smart when they aren’t necessary?

I went to a conference recently that focused on Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Matthew Knowles (Bey & Solonge’s Dad) spoke. He had some good quips, but the entire time he was basically saying “be the best at whatever you do and you’ll find success”... It was really wild. He was sooooo far removed from reality! In the

I swear by them. Yes, really. They just work for me, everything else cuts my ass in weird places and it looks like I’ve got 4 ass cheeks. It’s not cute. 

Counterpoint: Blue Ivy is fine, and your feigned obsession with a child is idiotic and played out.

Death penalty isn’t even the most glaring hypocrisy. That award goes to: infant mortality. Alabama and other radical right states have some of the worst outcomes in the country. They literally don’t care about dead babies, they just want bitches to suffer.

Neither the UFC nor McGregor’s publicist issued a comment to the Times, though a rep for McGregor said, “We don’t comment on rumors.”

Ummm.... because those sanctimonious “right to life” motherfuckers believe that “life begins at conception”, and that their responsibility for its care ends at birth. They care about FETUSES, not actual, born children. 

Right, I’m not arguing that there should be some expectation that no potential employer would ever check your shit out. You lose control when it’s out in the world, I’m not arguing that point. I am arguing that it’s inappropriate (not illegal) for employers to check on that.

A “genuine” racist? Exactly how does one establish the difference between genuine racists and amateur, unlicensed racists. Because as someone who works with the public, I can assure you that people engage in racist behavior driven by racist attitudes all the time without saying anything that most white people would

I was told by three OBGYNs that women do not have a libido. The one I trusted - until I didn’t - told me that women over 40 lose their desire to have sex, so she didn’t see anything wrong with the assumption that women should be surgically sterilized by ovary removal & hysterectomy after they’ve had the number of