
They know if they close they’ll probably never reopen:  that’s how close Gamestop is to bankruptcy.  

Some government official is going to bitch slap them hard and force them to close.

This is just disgusting. On the surface level it’s easy to just laugh as soon as you get to the part where Gamestop has the hubris to call themselves “essential retail” when talking about fucking videogames, but this is much more malicious than that. This is a deliberate attempt to capitalize on the social distancing

I’m going to enjoy the resulting fallout when Gamestop Corporate get the big lawsuit at the end of this.

Are they seriously asking their on-the-ground employees to confront law enforcement and defy a lockdown order?

This one’s actually on Roku. The failure state for unexpected network traffic shouldn’t be to do whatever their devices are doing.

Seriously. I would trade all the smart functionality of my TV for an extra HDMI port.

Smart TVs were a mistake... 😑