
Are you all really gonna trust Google with gaming? After how they always shut down services at random and do very anti consumer friendly practices you'll put your money into their service? I'd avoid it if I were you all. 

If you want to see the worst PC port job ever done, that would go to driver 3. 

Ya know... With the source code found, maybe they should port saints row 2 to modern platforms like switch, PS4 and Xbox one. Would totally love playing 2 on switch. Absolute favorite game in the series. 

Sorry, this isn't impressive. I worked at McDonald's as a manager and had to tinker with these all the time when they broke down. They are just computers. Next you're gonna be saying it's impressive you can run windows xp apps on windows 10. 

This isn’t the first time Barbie has been to the tombs. Remember that 2001 ps1 tomb raider rip off called Barbie explorer? It was almost entirely the same as the 1996 tonb raider.

Some of you people need smacked across the face. Celiac disease is a real thing and its horribly horribly painful if you eat gluten/wheat.

Nintendo can say what they want, but they’ve done this before. Damage control with them involves lying in anyway possible.

People should face the fact that no matter what happens, Nintendo will always be the major place where kids and families play games. No matter the amount of resident evil, silent hill, grand theft auto games Nintendo systems could potentially get.

While I have always hated Apple, lately they have started to appeal to me. Microsoft is really becoming the Donald Trump of Tech.

I am slowly moving to anti Microsoft stance entirely due to things like this.

Would like to see this on xbox too.

Who here has had their 360 since day 1 without rrod? I’ve had my elite since it launched. Never an issue and runs silent as a thief. Its weird because my friend and cousins same model elites sound like vacumes.