
A good Agatha shade from Tristan... almost like old times. LMAO.

Her ex is a terrible human being. And he sounds like a shyt parent. But how can Brandi change that? You tell me how.

Nah, man...

Brandi really wrote in expecting a mmhmm girl, these niggas don’t even want to provide no more. Reclaim yo dime beloveds and instead....

I think she needs to then better express her issues... Because if I am reading the same letter you are reading, the money for her child is a mere half-sentence.

You would be surprised at the amount of parents that support ain’t shitness.

Discalmer: Single mom here dealing with a similar plight

Pictured Below: The Arc of “Brandi” Submitting this Letter

This was a great response. People really need to log off for a good season and discover that the earth still spins, and is glorious, outside of these social networks.

Waiting for the fireworks like:

That may be enough Internet for the day...

If Todd missed last week’s eclipse, he sure as shit got some shade today.

Live view of Agatha before she hit submit, knowing she had a dragging: