“Game of Thrones” ISN’T, ISN’T OVER.
“Game of Thrones” ISN’T, ISN’T OVER.
Main characters in the first season who are still not dead for season 6: Tyrion, Cersei, Jamie, Dany, Littlefinger, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Sam, Bronn, Theon, Jorah, and very probably Jon. Main characters introduced in the second season who are still not dead for season 6: Davos, Margaery, Melisandre, Gilly, Roose Bolton.…
I genuinely wonder if the writer of this article gave up watching the show after the Sansa/Ramsay scene at the end of episode 6.
Also, you’ve gotta love the fact that only the negative replies are getting moved from pending to live. You’re fooling no one.
Never mind that it got the Emmy for Best Drama, which is voted upon by the entirety of the TV Academy. But haters gotta hate.
Because it’s cool to talk about how awful this show is, since “everyone” finds it “near unwatchable”. Except that that isn’t true... even if half the audience hates it, that’s not “everyone”. But why quibble? Gawker loves clickbait nonsense.
Wow, Kate. Do you even *watch* this show?