Cameron Scheetz

You bet it was! What'd you think of the movie?

I ran out of time to answer this myself, but I did want to share a brief moment that just occurred last night when I was at a screening of Green Room (which was just as much brutally twisted fun as I had hoped). The central band, the Ain't Rights, are staring down death, but decide to lighten to the mood by rattling

Ok, got to the bottom of this. You definitely didn't misread—the issue was that Verve had asked us if we were interested in giving away just the vinyl double LP, but then sent us this link (https://store.vervemusicgro… to reference for info on the prizing, which lead to a little confusion on our end since that details

Hmm… not quite sure off the top of my head. Katie Rife actually set that one up, so I'll check with her and get back to you in a bit. Thanks!

Oh, hey there @Powerthirteen:disqus - Oddly enough, I just got an email from our guy at and he says they're out of stock of the Lard Lad shirts in the size you asked for (Sorry! I had previously been assured that all the requested shirts/sizes are in stock). Would you rather (a) choose a different design or

Nah, we always send emails. Maybe they go to spam?

Should be all set now, guys. Thanks for your patience! Let me know here if you're still not able to type answers for any specific questions.

Head's up: There's a tech bug that's not allowing voters to submit their write-in candidates. We're working on fixing it right now - Apologies!

Apologies - They're CDs

I almost ALMOST wrote about "Pyramids," but felt "Bad Religion" spoke to the album's themes better. It's all fantastic stuff.


Very cool! So great to hear that you're a fan of the site. I've heard great things about your novel.

Oh, thanks! I really wasn't aware. I did some research and couldn't find any proof that it was outside of Chicago. It's all great stuff. Really stands out among hundreds of other craft breweries.

That's incredibly kind of you to say. Crystal Castles are hugely important to me and will always remind me of my closest and dearest friends

That very well could be, but I hadn't found notation of that anywhere. I've seen them play it live a couple of times and, in those situations, Alice handled the vocals

Nope. Open to all.

Sorry about that - not intentionally trying to be shady. We don't always know the location of the screening ahead of time, so I usually just forgo mentioning it. I do know, however, that this screening will be at the Landmark Century Cinema on N. Clark St. As for notification of winning, you would be contacted via