René Picard’s Original Recipe Chateau BBQ

We all thought the world would be a better place when the nerds won out over the jocks and took over the world.


I mean, the whole website at this point is basically Univision fucking a corpse. So, probably not.

Well, Stan Lee has been raping the corpse of Jack Kirby for years.

Harlan Ellison prepares a lawsuit claiming he invented the concept of harassing a personal care aide.

Something, something, patriarchy, something.

Spoiler Alert: if you didn’t see this film in theaters, you’re not seeing it the way the director intended anyway.

Christ. Back in my day, before this hipster YouTube garbage existed, we used to actually go outside once in a while and find suicide victims in the woods OURSELVES. And, if we couldn’t find them, we’d MAKE them.

Why don’t I feel bad about this? Oh, right! Stan Lee has stolen from people for DECADES (*cough* *Jack Kirby* *cough*) & he has more money than God. $300k is like a cup of coffee for this guy.

Now he knows what it feels like to have something stolen...

It just occurred to me that the “Wally Brando” scene may have been Lynch poking fun at all of the other derivative television series that have tried and failed to be as cool, quirky, and original as TWIN PEAKS, but that just ended up being as cool as... well, Wally Brando.

Come on guys, Wally Brando was the best

Maybe they could do something about The Seventh Seal.

Honestly one of the best parts of the new trilogy is having lightsaber fights that could conceivably be in the same universe as the OT. Both Rey ans Kylo Ren fights are exciting, while not looking like a highly choreographed dance.

No. You’re demonstrably wrong. I have the best take on Star Wars, and everyone who disagrees is a dumb idiot who didn’t get it. Those people should just turn in their fandom badges and stop polluting my rarefied air with their ungainly lung spasms. I have a youtube video out where I clearly explain what obviously went

Shit, I didn’t even have to look that one up.

OK, let’s give this a shot...

A consistent DCEU is a consistently terrible DCEU.

don’t worry, he’ll just steal one from Jack Kirby.

The bad thingy I was hinting at.... you caught it. Here’s your gif.