I just got back from a trip to Italy, which included a day trip through Tuscany with a rented Guilia diesel. It was magnificent. Car was a blast to drive and was the perfect choice for the Tuscan back roads.
I just got back from a trip to Italy, which included a day trip through Tuscany with a rented Guilia diesel. It was magnificent. Car was a blast to drive and was the perfect choice for the Tuscan back roads.
Availability has got to be a factor, too? Even though those inventory numbers are similar, there’s only one Alfa dealer in my state. They must be pretty concentrated in fewer locations. In contrast to Audi, BMW, Benz, and Jag with their wide dealer networks.
Whenever I see a very new, well-appointed 3-Series at a mid-range suburban apartment complex I think: You should take a look at your financial priorities.
Another thing worth noting about invoice pricing and advertised price: Some manufacturers do not let dealers advertise prices below invoice. Toyota, Honda, and others now have a minimum advertised price (MAP) policy that won’t allow a dealer to show their actual lowest price, which is almost always below invoice.
Ahh, understand now!
I installed the set designed for my 2016 Mazda 6 that come with an actual heat dissipation fan on the back, like a small computer fan.
Wait, drinking on the boat only after dark? What unfortunate place is this?
I understand Harris didn’t blow the doors off...but you opened with the reason LSU lost 3 games in a row in November. They allowed 99 points in 3 games.
I live literally one road over from where this occurred.. Luckily, my home did not take water, but most around this area cannot say the same.
You alluded to this as well, that in some cases the “buy at the end of the month” rule can work.
Sage advice, Tom!
The Armada is back? They’ve never stopped building it. Most of our dealers have 3-5 on hand at all times. It still manages to sell. (Southern states.)
The Terrain is much smaller than the Acadia. Interior volume of an Acadia is similar and larger in some instances than a Yukon.
Is that Saab turbocharged? The way I understood the video, he said that recent NA engines you won’t gain anything from an ECU tune, but you could certainly with a turbo engine. But, that’s just how I understood it.
I’m surprised you and the salesperson went along for the ride, I assume that’s because of who you were/they knew you were writing about this or some such?
Guess this means my local Honda Powersports dealer DOESN’T have one in stock? http://www.hondaofcovingtonpowersports.com/new_vehicle_de…
I had a vehicle that was beginning to cost large sums in repair costs. I traded it in for a new vehicle, rolled the negative equity into a lease (in the negative only because of needed repairs that weren’t cost effective on a vehicle of it’s age and worth) with a calculated interest rate of less than 1%, and walked…
If you just want to just get rid of a car, sell it at CarMax. Otherwise, don’t.
I can understand the logic, but they can’t do this too long. They’re using this same strategy with the current Camry and Tundra, as well. You’ve got maybe one generation you can “rest laurels” on.