Cameron Poe Dameron

That he didn't remember who Hannah was until she mentioned the pubic hair was a hilarious touch but also told you all you needed to know about where that conversation was going to end up.

“The whole thing was a decoy.”
“The must've took a different way.“

Professor SexFrench because entire arc is whether or not Noah sleeps with her. Why the hell did she get her own POV episode again?

At first I thought Ruth Wilson was maybe off somewhere shooting a film for half the season but then I figured her Showtime contract most likely prohibits that given that she's a lead, making the choice to sideline Alison a deliberate – and yes, confusing – one.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. It's the first scene of episode 2. The entire sequence is completely crazy, to say nothing of the fact that before she goes to the kitchen unwashed she puts her sweatpants on just like that.

I can't form an opinion on Luisa's character because Catalina Sandino Moreno gives a such a wooden performance and I can't tell if it's her or the dialogue she's given or both.

Exactly. John Leguizamo was unrecognizable in Spawn. Fraser just aged.

Between the happy hour wash and the “this DJ’s wild” line from episode five I don’t think public dancing, or music in general, is something they care about getting right.

What was up with that apple?

Has anyone ever ordered a cab, at the last second decided not to take it without informing or even signaling to the driver, and then that driver just drives off like he was never there? That's exactly what Helen does in episode 208 after, of course, she marvels "She's good" about Eden for sending that cab in under

That Scotty was pushed because he tried to rape Allison was a cop-out to exonerate all four principles, morally, of the death. Legally, sure, Helen drove the car intoxicated and Allison pushed him (in self defense), and all three of them left the scene of the crime but a more challenging show wouldn’t have let their