
He was great in Sleeping With Other People, wasn't a creep and was really funny

Not to be pedantic but it's Jeffrey Characterwheaties

Gabrus is the best, he makes it sound so easy and is such a lovable dude. Hope he will be Gino for a long time, and look forward to the movie.

I think Bjork hated Ben Schwartz (houseofpies) more but it was a close one

BBQ pulled Bjork

I want to see Jeffery Characterwheaties vs Fabrice Fabrice

"Man I've been getting emails from God all day pestering me and always asking for tips on how to be funny, it's exhausting! #humblebrag"

I was hoping they would crash and both die, I was really excited when they were crashing and bummed when they both lived.

This show just doesn't have the writing chops. The story is boring and dull, it seems like almost nothing ever happens. The kid (who I don't blame, he's a kid) is a terrible actor and I have to mute it every time he has a line.

Glad Comedy Bing Bong won, disappointed not to see How Did This Get Made or Sklarbro country up there.