Cameron Aubernon

I wouldn't blame them; they were set up by past Congresses and presidents, neither of whom ever bothered to simply acknowledge — let alone actually sign — the 1958 Agreement:

My city's transit authority has a few of those for their paratransit service. Haven't seen any as cabs yet, though.

Pepsi-flavored chips > Lana Del Rey's Pepsi-flavored pussy.

Now playing

This is what's playing on that North Korean satellite of love right now as it tumbles through the cosmos.

I'm sure the Urban Outfitters now occupying my former Blockbuster could work out a deal with Dish. Corner the hipster market and such.

I have family near Radford over in Christiansburg and Shawsville! Mom was a temp employee at VT when the massacre happened; Cho skipped passed the cafeteria where Mom was on his way to Norris Hall.

Don't forget this one, as well:

Korean Air wonders the same thing about Pepsi nowadays.

I always thought he looked like an anime villain. I wonder what he'd say about his My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic counterpart, though.

I wonder if this 8C belongs to a certain Gumballer... hmm...

I got my first one last February for NY Fashion Week. Best 29 bucks I spent! I'll have to get a new one after May, though.

What happened in that GIF?! Did he run over something to cause the front suspension to explode?

My high school reunion... never happened. It was to have happened in 2008, but either A) Facebook, B) not enough of us could be bothered, or C) not enough of us could be bothered to pay $65 to attend. Oh well. 2018?

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The pandas are coming, so hide under your beds!

"Taco-flavored kisses for my Benz!"

There's an ex-ambulance running around in Old Louisville, painted vaguely A-Team-ish. Not certain what it's being used for now, but it seems cool.

I'm a fan of Portal more than anything; GLaDOS has my heart. It was for science.