I'm gonna need a lot of acid to ponder all of this.
I'm gonna need a lot of acid to ponder all of this.
Dale Sr. or Dale Jr.?
Detroit is pissed off and just came hard at us, y'all. I would've preferred the 300 over the 200, but at least the 200 doesn't look like... whatever that mess was that was the Sebring. Congratulations Fiat and Chrysler; you just might make it after all.
My automotive goal: Relearn to drive and get my driver's license. I foolishly gave it up when I moved to Washington State—I've yet to own my first vehicle ever in my life, btw; I'm 32—and since I did kinda "meh" when I took driver's ed in high school, I figured it was for the best to give it a go.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
@ChottoCoquette: Sounds like more theatres need to run this trailer before the film starts... any film.
@Llncolnsbeard33: Or, if he knew what he was doing, rigged a bomb to go off when an attached sensor detected any good amount of radiation, like, say... from one of dem newfangled scanners dey gots now... yeah, that's gonna suck to say the least.
I guess a broom doesn't count as a car, then?
Funny thing is that Grandpa and Grandson weigh about the same, yet it's Grandpa who carries his weight well and then some; Grandson's a tank, yo.