New guidelines mean nothing when they don’t enforce the current ones. This was all PR, nothing will change in that cesspool.
New guidelines mean nothing when they don’t enforce the current ones. This was all PR, nothing will change in that cesspool.
TBH this is old news. That record was sketchy from the very beginning and Twin Galaxies has always buried their head in the sand. They only finally did something about it because they got bad publicity from the video. I don’t know anyone in the speedrunning community who ever thought the run was legit.
When will men stop ruining everything
It really is amazing how whenever there’s an article about speedrunning or streaming, there’s immediately a comment from someone who “doesn’t understand” it or doesn’t like it. Just don’t frickin click on the article if you hate the topic.
I think it’s really neat. It’s like hobby kits. Introduces kids to arts and crafts and engineering. It’s fun.
Wow that was awesome!
You should have included a link to the tweet of a guy setting a chibi robo amiibo on fire as “tribute” to get the direct to happen. That was a good one.
Watching the first match tonight and there are 3 white male commentators at the table. One says the other two men at the table had incorrectly predicted the outcome of the match and one woman (didn’t hear the name) had the correction 100% correct. But was she at the table? No. The two men who had incorrect predictions…
I use Chrome and Vivaldi. Enough for me. Firefox is meh.
LOL did you not test to make sure everything worked BEFORE putting everything in the case? smh Jason.
AGDQ chat is a pile of toxic piss. Just constant hatred and bigotry and making fun of the runners or couch or announcer or crowd. It says a lot about people who say the chat is most of the fun of AGDQ for them and that they’re pissed off about it.
Seriousness of the issue aside, I can’t stop giggling that his last name is Butts.
My guess is he bought everything in one sitting instead of watching prices.
I built an entire PC for $300 less than that, including the parts you got for free. Yikes dude. Did you not wait for sales?
The Paul brothers are narcissitic sociopaths.
MOBAs, shooters, or MMOs. Yes, MMOs still exist.
Since you mentioned Origin.... Uplay is giving away AC Black Flag for free until the 18th!
If he was genuinely sorry he wouldn’t have cheated in the first place. Fuck him.
Really? You think deleting Twitch would suddenly make someone not depressed or not suicidal? What a great fantasy world you live in.
I live in Los Angeles, everytime I load the up it says the weather is Extreme. Morning, day, and night, always Extreme.