Uhhh if it was on sale, it’s not anymore. It’s $59.88 on Amazon right now.
Uhhh if it was on sale, it’s not anymore. It’s $59.88 on Amazon right now.
Uhhh if it was on sale, it’s not anymore. It’s $59.88 on Amazon right now.
Uhhh if it was on sale, it’s not anymore. It’s $59.88 on Amazon right now.
Wow you really hate Pocket Camp so much you’ll just straight up lie, huh. You only get candy canes from Shovelstrike Quarry when it’s the item in the speech bubble. I went when it was the item and got 28 candy canes. You get can get up to 6 candy canes from a villager request. Some items like the sofa and rug give you…
Saw the name Jeremy Soule and knew immediately (if I ignore the title). I really don’t like him. He still hasn’t delivered Guild Wars 2 soundtracks from 2012 to several people. Jerk.
Orrrrr you can avoid most of that and just use the My Nintendo rewards.
I’m sure you said the same thing about Fire Emblem Heroes and Super Mario Run.
I don’t understand the hate for this game. People are acting like Nintendo promised them a full fledged Animal Crossing game and throwing huge fits that its not a New Leaf clone. It’s a PHONE APP. Did you not pay attention to SMR or FEH? It’s not gonna be the same as the regular games. I have over 400 leaf tickets and…
Triss is trash.
“Sleazy” is quite extreme. What EA did to Battlefront 2 was sleazy. Microtransactions in ACPC are normal microtransactions. How are leaf tickets dishonest? Just because the game has a cutsey vibe the devs aren’t allowed to try and make money? I am baffled at the negativity in this article.
It’s amazing how much the RS subreddit hates this event.
Holy shit people in the comments are rude as heck. I sometimes wish Kotaku would stop publishing articles about Twitch streamers because the comments always just shit all over them.
I’m gonna be NLNL in ten years. not looking forward to it.
As long as they keep mini maps in mmos I’m fine.
Hampton Brandon is a real a-hole. That video of him getting hit by a car was cathartic after hearing him harass streamers at TwitchCon. If he’s partnered, Twitch should revoke his partnership. He doesn’t deserve it with that lousy attitude.
I was just gonna comment this. I looooove Apple Sidra.
Without using the wiki, it is pretty much set up for failure, yeah. I was determined to dance with Leah though and I managed to do it! I was so proud.
I would buy a Switch to play a new Animal Crossing game.
I’ve only watched 3 GDQs and I’m already sick and tired of the whole save/kill the animals schtick.
Good thing I only play the app then and don’t own the console version.
I’m hyped but prepared to be disappointed by the story. I know they hired new people for the narrative/story team but I don’t think they came on early enough to learn from the numerous mistakes in HoT/LS3 to adjust PoF’s story. The mounts will be incredible though, I know that. Excited to try Deadeye and Soulbeast.
The first red flag was that Katy is female and Magus is male. That should’ve immediately told them it was an imposter.