
"Really, Thurston?"

"It's interesting that she gets dumped on so much but do many different people seen to want to be BFFs with her."

HP Sauce is your dear friend if you consume black and white puddings. That, and at least two pints of Guinness.

Indeed, Junior isn't exactly rebelling against his parents.

My favorite Busey acronym: SOBER

Awww, he's just like Papa Bear.

"It is harder to hold onto racist beliefs when you have contradictory evidence staring you right in the face, in your family, at work, in your neighborhood."

I come from a highly diverse, multi-ethnic and multi-racial family where every reunion resembles a UN Assembly, and yet we still have our share of bigots who never hide their prejudices and causes of racial hatred. It's usually the old attitude that a person's positive AND negative traits are due to his or her race or

(Shudders) Memories of bland, watery, microwave ravioli are coming back to haunt me. At least I scored some good port at 50% during my local F&E's fire sale last year.

Well, it's a Friend or Foe situation. If the subject is Jezebel-approved, they'll shame anyone who snarks about her appearance, and if the subject is a foe then it's open season on her appearance.

"What a sober man has in his mind, the drunk one has on his tongue." (Russian proverb)

"You can always see a person's true character when he's drunk," as my grandma, the daughter of a womanizing, philandering alcoholic, would say.

I see that your Sarcasm Detector is busted.

That's like something my aunt would've done when her kids were small. When her boys had to pee she either told them to either piss in a parking lot where there are no cops around, or run into a business while she parked her huge SUV across three parking spaces.

Hey now, some writers gotta eat.

Indeed, post-Oscar bitchfests are a bloody cliche.

FWIW, this happened to be the first time that a Latino won the Best Director award, a black filmmaker directed a Best Picture, and a Filipino (Frozen's Robert Lopez) won an Oscar. If Lopez's name doesn't ring a bell, he helped mastermind "Avenue Q" and "The Book of Mormon."