Some Other Guy

…Until some person, idea, or discovery threatens their tribal imperative. Then they each morph into their respective, latent outright shithead.

Their husbands, ex-husbands, and boyfriends.

There's a name for that. "The core of Poe's Law is that a parody of something extreme, by nature, becomes impossible to differentiate from sincere extremism. A corollary of Poe's law is the reverse phenomenon: sincere fundamentalist beliefs can be mistaken for a parody of those beliefs." (Shamelessly cut and pasted

same result: "for it" = "because of it" (not necessarily commutative, though)

Not hard enough, I'm afraid, to avoid ambiguity. Are you implying there's no particular reason for making fun of the book, or no particular reason for millions to have died for it?

I wonder if they would sound just as imposing as the "6.7*10^4 Moms." Yeah, probably.

It irks the hell out of me that the Catholic League won't fall In step in condemning this production as a "mockery of [their] Lord." As delicious as it is, mockery misses the mark for me if it doesn't piss off a few papists.