
The first repair I did on someone else’s car was the harmonic balancer in my parents’ 1970 Olds Cutlass. Next up was the head gasket on my first car, a 1981 Honda Accord. I really cut my teeth on a 1977 MGB restoration for my cousin though. All between 15 and 17 years old!

You completely missed responding to the second paragraph. Wanna take a shot at that one?

Oh, more of this drivel? There’s little to no connection between the parties of today and 100 years ago. What’s telling is what we’re currently living in, and that’s a world destroyed by the Bushes. Plus, you can’t talk about Trump not starting a war when he and his sons talk about how they’d fight Putin now.

Volvo is offering 0.99% on CPO. The dealerships I’m looking at are at or below private party pricing too. 

I sometimes take photos of my greatest accomplishments. They’d definitely cause some damage. Lemme see if I can find some pics.

I saw a few cops in San Francisco dealing with a naked shitter striking poses at the corner of an intersection in front of sidewalk seating for a restaurant once. Boy, were they patient. They eventually wrapped the guy in a blanket and stuffed him into the back seat of a patrol car. I definitely felt sorry for them.

I rode 5,000 miles around Colombia back in 2014. There’s some sketchy stuff there, but damn is it a beautiful country!

Your comment is a good comment. Damn, it’s a good comment. 

Agreed. I’ve restored around 30 CBs and have always seen the same jets used across the cylinders.

Fueling is manageable in either configuration, but easier to sync with fewer carbs. I expect the builder didn’t want a common plenum airbox for each engine, which necessitated the change.

That would definitely help. Just need some heat to grow those grains!

What did you do to heat treat that weld? Don’t want it snapping in LCF due to cracks starting in the heat affected zone.


What does that much ice do to the balance of this ship? Do they have to take on more ballast to ensure the ship doesn’t roll?

You’re referring to Reviver. My friend started the company and I still don’t get the sales pitch.

My favorite still stands as “UAFAT1”. Seen decades ago in Illinois. 

Also, over a thousand Merkurs are still around? I bet a decent percentage of those owners are reading this right now.”

Ever flown a Blooper or a Spinnaker… poorly? 

LOL! How right you are. I wonder how much a bladderfull would fetch on the open market. 

These crimes often occur in cities, which just happen to be liberal minded. You’re conflating information by making your “liberal-minded” statement. Your attempt at making a political statement is transparent.