
Trump supporters still insist that Obama destroyed the economy and made the U.S. a laughingstock because everyone in the world hates him and thinks he’s “weak.” They’re completely detached from reality.

Yes. Very understandable. It’s terribly disillusioning.

What is the alternative? Give up, lie down, become cynical and cry about how unfair it all is? Some of us don’t have that privilege, so we’ll be fighting and not failing until we fail!

It doesn’t.

I’ve never been this emotional over a president leaving. And I’m not even American! I don’t know if it’s because it’s OBAMA or because of the vileness that’s following him.

I wish I had 1/4 of the faith in the fundamental goodness of people and hope that Barack Obama does. I used to be a more positive about it, but since the election it’s been incredibly difficult. I felt like I finally saw people’s true colors, people who I actually know who I thought were smarter and more

This fucker is the least intellectually curious person I’ve ever seen.

I’m shocked Trump didn’t answer “I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells like rich mahogany” like Ron Burgandy.

Whereas HC, the godless liberal, could have recited one backwards and in Greek.

Hot take: Religious people are hypocrites. They don’t care about things like prayers or following the word of God.  

“If you go home with someone and they don’t own any books, don’t fuck them”

Why not both?

Or they are doing their jobs speaking for their constituents? 

It seems like every Democratic senator is running for President in 2020. Between Franken roasting DeVos on growth, Booker breaking precedent to testify against Sessions, and now Bennet it seems like we’ll have a crowded primary field in 2020.

Here I was thinking Shia LeBeouf, which would mean, of course it’s fake (“performance art”).

Tertiary q: why does this man look like alt-right Jon Snow

LOCATION! It’s amazing how many people get hung up on decor. When my best friend was looking to buy she was looking in a brand new subdivision behind the Walmart. I told her, “These are new and shiny now, but in 10 years these will be the old houses behind the Walmart.”

Do. Not. Get. In. Over. Your. Head.

Location, location, location...oh, and a home inspection. Always a home inspection.

That sounds awesome. My husband had a Burger King craving so now he’s ventured out in the cold to get us some. Shitty, I know. The high point of my day was breakfast, I wanted the Boston creme pancakes from a hipster brunch place downtown and after inviting my kids to go with me they bailed, and my husband was still