
I have been reading for almost a year but never posted. Christmas this year has been hard. My Dad is visiting and I’m trying so hard to show him that I am doing OK. He comes every year at Christmas no matter what. So I have to remind myself that even though change feels slow for me it must be pretty dramatic for him.

Yes to all of this^^^. Pretty people in pretty clothes in a pretty house on a pretty estate in a pretty countryside. Pretty is pretty much all I can handle right about now.

She actually wasn’t trying to be funny. That is the world she lives in.

Kellyanne Conway is a terrible person, but I did think that was a funny line. Especially with all of the womanizers in the Trump administration.

Right. I sort of don’t like casting Trump supporters as naive. You had to be willfully ignorant to not get the agenda Trump and Co. were pushing. You had to cling to your stupidity with tenacity, basically putting your hands over your ears and screaming “nah nah nah, I can’t hear you” while the rest of us desperately

I want to. I want to feel schadenfreude so very badly, but the schadenfreude is so shitty when it also affects me...

Every time I look at the picture of him with his finger pointed in the air, mid-shout, I get chills. It’s horrifying and yet it’s one of the best-composed pictures I’ve ever seen; the tie still ramrod-straight and yet tilted with the raising of his arm, the fact that the gun is almost an after-thought in his moment of

Oh no, not this demon doll. The first time the little girls turn around they are terrified of baby laugh a lot and her demonic laugh. At the end of the commercial their possession has been completed. Now they just have to wait till there parents fall asleep.

Did your professor also have a string of pearls hung next to the article for people to clutch while they read it?

Give it time. From Federalist #59:

My only hope is the Lindsay Graham and John McCain, both being so outspoken about having an investigation, know something is rotten. I can’t believe I just typed that, but it really is going to take Republicans to stand against this since anything the Democrats is just a “conspiracy theory advanced by the liberal

Not only do they not see reality, they love what he is doing. If it pisses off anyone, from the democrats to China, they are happy. Along with this group psychosis, they have developed oppositional defiance syndrome.

trump supporters dont care. For them its all about kicking non-whites out the country.

So, how is Trump not being investigated for treason? This really looks a lot like a conspiracy between billionaires to give control of America’s resources and political offices to a hostile foreign government.

I’m afraid this is just a preview of Cheetolini’s reign. More republican states will pull the same type of thing and pass more voter suppression laws to maintain their power. With republicans having absolute power in Congress I could see them passing laws that hijack the first amendment and making protests illegal and

Good for them! I feel like we are going to live through McCarthyism, v. 2.0, and we will be judged by future generations on whether we stood up, or stood by while this mess goes down the assembly line.

You mean those evil racists are also lying power hungry hypocrites that don’t use their office to serve the people but to enrich themselves and amass power?

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.