
Dear toddler mama,

I’m sorry, what a terrible no good day, but I have to say this update made me smile and laugh so hard. What a little monster. Kids are awful sometimes

Current Mood:

It’s like standing on a trap door and you have no clue what will make the guy in charge push the button. It’s a cycle of anxiety and fear that he’ll push the button and relief when he doesn’t.

Close to it. I am waaay deep in fight or flight mode and fight is winning.

I know I am not the only one who has spent the last 4 days blindingly drunk, but I actually called into work today just to specifically get crap housed again. I am a chef at a country club and I don’t know if I can make food for a bunch of Trump supporters anymore. I seriously don’t know if I can do it anymore.

yes. every single person who can afford to should be buying it and stockpiling it, to give to people in the future when we cant access it anymore.

Pence is who we all should be absolutely positively fucking terrified of.

What are the chances this was all planned by Pence, and the plan is already underway to assassinate Trump and make sure all of his adamant voters automatically switch to Pence?

I spoke about this earlier on a smaller thread- in my neighborhood some Latinos and African Americans in very nearby condos and apartments come by here for Halloween so some people here have white and non-white candy. (The candy for “non-whites” totally sucks.). They say they don’t want to give “handouts” to

I regrettably agree. This shit is getting out of hand. I hate seeing people so quickly revert back to “the way things were” because of this whole mess. We were starting to make some real progress. I’m convinced that equality for everyone is beyond my time now.

(Vice) President Pence


You know Mike Pence is doing the Mr. Burns pointy fingers thing right now.

So what do they plan to do when their own kids start getting kicked out of school for not speaking English perfectly? Because those dumb fucks butcher the language on a daily basis.

I don’t know about getting impeached, but I do think there’s a good possibility he could wind up in a situation where either the Republicans in Congress basically treat him like King Tommen from the Game of Thrones novels (as compared to the show).

I think he’s going to quit like Sarah Palin did. He will absolutely hate being President. We don’t deserve this, but maybe he does.

“Although I’m sure his replacement would be almost as bad so it’s cold comfort at best.”

The media bent over backwards to be “balanced”, because one minor scandal must of course be equal to multiple scams and white supremacy.

Trump using the full power of the presidency against journalists that are critical of him is a frightening thought. Sadly, a fear that isn’t entirely unfounded.