
I firmly believe Eric is the demon sent by Satan to make sure that Trump gets the letter of his contract while the actual contents go up in flames around him.

Why does Trump side with dictators? He’s aspirational.

I was wrong in 2014. This election is dramatic as fuck. The news corporations are making bank off everyone watching this shit. It literally could not have been staged better. How is this not WWE-tier kayfabe? Someone slap me with a folding chair. How in the legitimate fuck did all this pan out this way?

Anyone else thinking this and his “pussy” comments totally tank him in Utah? Three of their Republican leaders were among those who pulled support for him today, he is polling terribly there for a Republican, and Mormons hate him. His views on immigration and refugees make him unpopular, and his vulgarity has always

It’s like that around Seattle to. Drive just north of Everett and you get the same thing.

So, so many people, esp GOPers think if they don’t see it firsthand it doesn’t exist. Funny they’re also religious. Ah the irony

Bingo— he’s disgusted by women who are in any state except “fucktoy”. No pregnancy, no motherhood, no baby care, and no working (remember he also complained that Ivana had lost her “softness” while she was being businesslike?).

*clicks ‘all of the above’* in the grimmest poll ever

It is any consolation there are like 30 republicans in WA and they’re all in Eastern WA. They didn’t have many options for Chairs.

The uncouth lout had been married for but a scant few months when the incident wherein he made untoward advanced at the woman who was spoken for occurred.

I’d like a poll to see how many women have had men grope at their crotch, ass or chest. Pretty sure it’d be near 100%.

Right now, millions of women are saying to the men in their lives: “See? This is what we have to go through. You believe us now???”

It’s pretty deliciously ironic that the two things bringing Trump down (maybe?) are the things he claims to be the best at: making money and hooking up with hot women.

Well, you’re right, a 6-month-old shouldn’t have dairy but their pediatrician will make it really clear that they have to move the baby to cow milk or an acceptable alternative once the baby is weaned.

Like someone else said, It’s Ill-ah-noy. While the word is traditionally Native American, the French played around with it a bit.

Ill-ah-noy. Unless, I guess, you’re from Noo Yawwk.

Mike is pretty busy right now listing all the women’s health providers he is going to picket but I am sure he will tune in.

Because like any dimwit grown into sociopath who was born rich and white, he wants the power and the title without doing any of the actual work.

Wth does “so-called first choice” mean? So not his first choice then? Actually we know Pence wasn’t his first choice since he offered Kasich the handling of all foreign and domestic policy if he’d run as vice. Why run for president if you plan to outsource the whole job immediately?? I honestly don’t understand.

Every other Republican politician who has worked with Trump has seemed miserable. I hope Pence is gnashing his teeth behind that poker face.