
Do you really not understand that this is exactly the kind of shit that gets said about every single POC murdered by police? And that no one ever jumps in to say, “HEY NOW YOU RAGAMUFFINS, SMOKING THE POT ISN’T SO BAD!?!” And yet here you are, doubling down on a pedantic point because you missed the entire caustic

The OP is being sarcastic. Marijuana use is often cited as reason why policed shooting victims are “thugs” and thus deserving of being shot. As is any other history with the police.

I heard her rims are worth more than her car. And got repossessed more than once!

So in other words you missed the point.

or when waiting for his child to get off the school bus.

My takeaway is that there is literally no advice you could give to a black man to keep him safe on a police stop.

But but

Wow you do not know what sarcasm is.

She probably wears hoodies, too.

That’s the thing – the internet isn’t a special space divorced from reality. It is reality. What you do and say is real and brings about real-world reactions and consequences. This isn’t just him online/through texts, this IS him.

I don’t think the point LovePrayFear was trying to make was that white women should have the impunity that white men do. I think it was an observation that the blue wall of silence doesn’t seem to stand as strongly for women and non-white officers, which is likely true. That doesn’t absolve this officer or Liang of

I feel like if you stare at that post for a while you’ll begin to see the very, very, very subtle message conveyed in that phrasing.

Smoking Marijuana may not make her a bad police officer but considering that these people tried to smear a dead man by claiming he was on PCP, I’m not going to worry about that overmuch.

Hope his burner phone is a Note 7 so he can literally burn his balls off.

I believe her private car had a grill!

I wouldn’t be surprised if she was an aspiring rapper.

There’s a tiny village in The New Forest called Burley that has quite the reputation for witchcraft and magic (In the 1950s a white witch called Sybil Leek lived in the village. She would frequently walk around in a long black cloak with a pet jackdaw sitting on her shoulder). I had a palm reading from a normal

It’s common when a baby is born in India for someone in the family to get their ‘life map’ written by an astrologer. When I was born my Mom sent my birth info to my grandma in India and she had it written. Only an astrologer can read the charts, it’s not understandable to anyone else. Anyways, it sat in India for

It sure does. It’s been clear for a while that Angelina is more of a homebody than Brad (assuming that your actual “home” can be one of several houses,) and is really focused more on her U.N. work and family as time goes by. If Brad is still interested in jet-setting and drinking heavily and partying and stuff, that

It sounds like this guy has a legitimate sexual dysfunction. He is indifferent to the trouble that he can get into based upon his actions. I don’t know if it’s related to sociopathy / antisocial personality disorder or if it’s endemic of some sort of systemic issue in his brain... but I feel that this has fallen from