Clinton Binkley-McClanahan

hell no,they would probably say flip that sombitch where the sun shines,and pull the trigger

Us,the people.??? Wtf,sucking me sideways

“I, of sound mind and rapist wit”.

I wish we could go nowhere

I didn’t take it at condescending. Yeah she can Peruvian, but she also is Philippino, and American Indian.big time mestiza  south American,and European! Haha , love it ,castas

no, sweetie i dont want you to think i am a typical white. i have had the privelage of experiencing every culture around north and south america,europe,asia,backpacked in my early 20's. But i say this because i have a good friend who is mestiza-philippino,peruvian,indian, and she identifies as the highest percentage,

Yeah I’m confused to

so, what race do you identify as....latina?

Shed manhandle him is better

Thought so.thanks

Racism at its finest

You just killed your movement

What is semi-white??

Tear the movement apart!! Haha, you can do it

The fat lady is singing

Who are you talking about

People in general, are being shot in the street.and clean water?? U live in a third world country? You will divide the cause

They don’t want you there.wake up

But are you mixed?

Kill the Kardashian train already. Blow me a kiss