
The left opposes being so uncomfortable with gay people that you want to see them be psychologically tortured until they’ve been convinced they’re not gay anymore because that is Bad, Actually.

Let us just get this out of the way, the sexuality of Mike Pence is not important. Who cares what his sexuality is? What is important is that he has a valid policy stance to hurt and endanger the lives of LGBTQ people regardless of how he feels satisfied behind closed doors. Mike Pence articles always turn into these

To all those who will scoff at actions like Pelosi’s, and accuse the Democrats in Congress of lacking the will to pursue progressive goals, this is what it’s like when you are the minority party in the House and Senate, and have a Republican (???) president and a conservative judiciary. You do what you can to win

He’s running for office, as a news agency are they not doing their job by giving him air time? So long as they don’t give more or less than any other candidate. they are maintaining their neutrality.
Added to this, giving this guy airtime just means that people will see who he really is and vote accordingly. We all

He’s running as a republican. Republicans are nazis. This needs to be seen and it needs to be challenged. There can be no hiding by republicans who say they didn’t know. This is your base republicans. Everyone else, fight this.

Jonathan seems exhausting.

Me too. Instead we have hot takes on Splinter that the Dems have caved.

you aren’t decent. Terrible thing to say. Maybe s something like parents who were able to relocate. Not everyone is as lucky as you

This is the dumbest conclusion I’ve ever heard on the topic.

True, but they gets nothing if you pirate it all, not everyone is Mr. Money bags and can afford a $100 a month music habit.

They also get more money if you donate $1,000 a month to them directly. If you really cared about musicians, that’s what you’d be doing.

(rubs hands together) may i just be the first to say...

Well for one thing you probably don’t want to be hit by a person falling from dozens of storeys up and die - nor would you want to be splattered by human gore and pulp after someone hits the ground from a fall like that.

Nothing is good enough for y’all, seriously.

This story is like the best thing that has happened to you all month isn’t it?

Not fighting with you, but with all due respect, I can think in at least one scenario where that “mother” should totally have ever kept that kid: she gets the help she needs - and its an obligation of the State to provide! -, hopefuly recovers, and go on becoming a good mother. You call it “insanity”, I call it

I’m just gonna lay odds that Whitney is a Bernie or Buster.

Now playing

Okay this is a shitty defense for a shitty decision and hindsight is indeed 20/20 but people in the comments need to wisen the fuck up. Like the #metoo movement hadn’t happened in November of 2016 and y’all only had two options when it came voting time. It doesn’t matter what happened before or what’s come out since

Trump and the GOP’s dismantling of the ACA, resulting in the loss of Medicaid expansion, cuts more than a million people off from access to drug addiction treatment programs.