This I guess
This I guess
Wayne’s World was vastly superior, I can’t even with this Austin Powers shit
That angle makes it look like his head is mushed up against the roof like a regular Clifford
Right is best if you’re right handed and have your mouse to the right of the keyboard imo
Homie I’m a successful ‘Solutions Architect’ (barf) and I keep my taskbar on the right, always. Pro as heck
To me the whole movie lives or dies on whether Holden is intentionally portrayed as a callous prick or whether he is supposed to be a likeable, clueless everyman. If it’s self aware, it’s a great take down of regressive, entitled white male identity. If we are just supposed to chuckle along with Holden and Banky then…
America is doomed
I did this mission last night and had read this article so was dreading it. I passed it first time without a lot of trouble. The Korok noticed me a couple times, but I just hid and he carried on. When I lost him eventually a speech bubble would pop up with some inanity and there he was.
I don’t really get this, isn’t it all abstracted away behind APIs and libraries anyway? How close to the metal are third party developers coding?
My body looks like that and I consider myself a feminist. I live in the UK’s most Muslim borough, and send my 2 year old to a nursery staffed exclusively by South Asian muslims. I’m a member of the Labour Party in New Zealand (my home) and have campaigned for them, door knocking. I volunteer to help teach computer…
That is literally how Trump won
Um I live in London and pay £1100 a month. It doesn’t feel that high to me?
Travelling is kind of a drag but this whole thread is like woah. If you are healthy, then complaining about shit like this is first world problem bullshit imo
Wow a racist Australian, what a shock
My sister fucked this up when she was 7 or so and ended up getting bitten by a Quokka. It was hilarious
This is my birthday. I have never once had a ‘big deal’ birthday my whole life. The only upside is that in the Southern Hemisphere (where I am from) its the height of summer and you are usually on vacay with all your buddies so you at least get some good vibes from them as they wilt artfully under a pop-up gazebo,…
can’t stop laughing
I’m not sure how any guy, indeed any person, could maintain self respect if they couldn’t look after themselves and their family in a modern society. It’s bizarre that in 2015 capable people are given a pass and allow themselves to be dependent. It blows my mind. I’m a father of a one year old daughter and couldn’t…
A follow up post (maybe on Lifehacker?) about how parents can instil respect and empathy in boys on this matter, and how we can prepare girls to deal with this bullshit, would rule.