
I understand the need to unite behind Hillary but don’t expect everybody to feel the same. This whole lie about Bernies supporters flocking to trump is just that, a lie! Many will vote green or libertarian and some will refuse to vote at all. Bernie and his supporters were treated like dirt and the deck was stacked

Correct the record and trump trolls are working together to split the party. This page reeks of both groups.

It looks like he puts his left leg out and unzips his pants at the very end. It really looks like hes about to piss on Her. I understand thats probably not the case but I cant figure out what else his hands are doing.

Well to be fair if you dont have the support in swing states during the primary your going to have a tough time when the general rolls around. If your a democrat and you win the primary in red states and no swing states to become the democratic candidate thats a good indication your going to lose the general. With

Obama set in action this week a plan that says any business with over 100 hundred employees must report what they are paying each gender. Any gaps in pay between a man and woman holding the same position will be investigated. Bernie is for equality and will most likely follow his lead and take it even farther . Most

Cmon now they are just trolls. They are everywhere on the internet. If you like Clintons views over Sanders thats just fine, vote Clinton. But if your going to make a choice because of trolls that is crazy. I find it disturbing that people will vote a certain way because people online bothered them. How can you hold

Ive been attacked by trump supporters and hillary supporters as well. If your willing to change your mind and not vote for bernie because of online trolls your making a mistake. Vote for who you believe will do right by us whether clinton or sanders. Dont make your choice because some internet troll who follows bernie