Whoa I guess I missed this. Thanks!
Whoa I guess I missed this. Thanks!
The stupider the name is to say out loud the more likely I am to order it.
Brb gotta alter my worldview.
Pink Lady ftmfw
Clear duck tape? Boy you’re trippin!
Space brain time
Scion XA: Witness me!
He could get the $10 scotch and post on social media that it was the $250 scotch.
I feel like our letter writer should just find himself a $250 bottle of scotch and stay at home.
Sounds good!
Nah ground turkey’s way better for you. It’s obviously not the same as beef but it’s tasty in it’s own right.
If you aren’t craving turkey already you’re eating turkey wrong.
So why doesn’t this affect the iceburg and bib lettuce?
Why is it always the romaine? Iceburg, bib ... totally safe!
Mine’s even black.
Apropos to nothing three VW buses could easily be worth more than a high end sports car. People can’t get enough air cooled VWs.
I got a tiny whisk in a novelty pack of hot chocolate. I use it all the time. It’s awesome for hot chocolate but it’s great for making a little rue and mixing up small batches of sauce.