“I talked to many people this weekend who said, ‘I love soccer, I’m not watching the U.S. women because I didn’t like what they said.’”
“I talked to many people this weekend who said, ‘I love soccer, I’m not watching the U.S. women because I didn’t like what they said.’”
I feel like this will get you a recommendation of whatever the manager is telling people to push most of the time.
Hit ‘em with the ol’ eat it or wear it!
You really should have said something. Any steak place worth its salt would have made you a new steak and shamed whomever forced that on you.
I may be a fat white guy with no real fashion sense but even I know these shoes are violently tacky.
All praise to the Boognish!
Not the Ween track I would have went with but all Ween is good Ween and any Ween is better than no Ween. Ween.
I can only imagine how much snow I could pack into those skirts.
I personally can’t stand weird noises. Something clunking in the back? Fix it.
Yeah but you could get some random npc to fall in love with you and move into your house so there’s that.
Fish oil has a measured affect of reducing my bp. I’ve been monitoring and making changes to diet and caffeine intake. I thought the pills were bs so I went off them for a week and it went up. Took them again for a week and it went back down.
It used to be black coffee and Marlboro reds but I quit cigarettes awhile back.
Check mate designated drivers!
In this case he was livestreaming the video so it was already out there.
You’re doing jerky a disservice.
This didn’t necessitate any team change their mascots AFAIK as the last hold out was Skowhegan and they had already reluctantly changed their mascot a couple months ago.
I did not remember this so I looked it up. That was a mistake. I only hope I can not remember it again soon.
Not complicated enough.
Needs some serious rake.