
Check mate designated drivers!

In this case he was livestreaming the video so it was already out there.

You’re doing jerky a disservice.

This didn’t necessitate any team change their mascots AFAIK as the last hold out was Skowhegan and they had already reluctantly changed their mascot a couple months ago.

I did not remember this so I looked it up. That was a mistake. I only hope I can not remember it again soon.

Not complicated enough.

Needs some serious rake.

He’s so rude.

I’m like damn that guy’s a machine.

It’s likely because they don’t actually have any money that’s just what they are willing to finance. They could probably find a nicer Element to finance and go that route.

Why not an Element in better shape? 

I just turned 39. My mom looks younger than this lady.

...they’ll need to be addressed by the communities themselves...

Even then it could easily take hours to get to him.

My grandmother bought one of those red tri fives for a neighbor when I was a kid. He used to have a car just like it. Even then (30ish years ago) it seemed an absurd concept to me.

The sights, the smells and the sounds. 

Eating is one of the lease offensive things I’ve endured from my fellow passengers on public transit.

This is the kind of car you marry and spend the rest of your life with.

That’s rich coming from *you* Clayton

You really should show the picture of the back of all his urzatron. I saw the pic of the 4 cards and was willing to let dude slide until I saw all 12 cards.