

Is chowder without bacon even really chowder?

Right? It’s the best.

It’s a hoot. Me and another dad have been administering dodge ball or alien tag. Then they feed us burgers and hotdogs. That’s a win win.

I volunteer at field day at the end of every year so I eat one lunch with my son and his friends at school every year. That seems like enough to me haha. 

I’ll take fluff over jelly pretty much any day. In fact I had a fluffernutter yesterday.

This made me tear up a little.

This is my new worst way to die thanks.

He looks like some alternate universe Freiburger.

Is this different from eating it while they’re asleep?

I love turkey but I can’t do the whole roast turkey thing. I like to get a turkey, roast the legs and wings, make turkey tips with the breast meat and make a soup with the rest of it.

You’ll make up the difference in gas savings. 

We still have the one pictured somewhere at home. The brain bots were the best.

You should check out his interview on Top Gear. Makes me want to root for him more.

Just have a pit crew ever 100 miles or so. 

Mainer here. I find this confusing. Every other town has a Chinese place. Even places where you think they shouldn’t.

And we can’t just say to her, “Hey Karen can you do up a couple more buttons? Thanks!”

Whoa dial the throttle back here Wedge!

I’ll buy smaller shrimp just because it comes with the tail already gone.

Who’s bashing? GTFO of here with that nonsense!