
I love how the Hyundai dealer has a Chevy in their logo.

Installing and servicing melodies since 1982.

Easily their best track and their best video.

I always thought the well done orders were the easiest. Slap it on the grill and just forget about it for awhile. If you’re not grill then you know you can bump that order back and bust out some other stuff.

Don’t worry Coca Cola already got paid.

Spiral bound books are fine as long you use the notebook backwards. It only sucks if you need to give it to someone to put in a 3 ring binder. 

Finally I can stop holding my steak with both hands and just taking bites off it!

Real recognizes real.

Stout or GTFO!

... via the homemade row boat that all Maine residents are legally required to own. (It’s mandated under the L.L. Bean Act of 1927.)

It’s hot and muggy AF in Maine this summer if that makes you feel any better.

I’ve seen things go very wrong with some Allen’s very very wrong.

Personally, I avoid all that stuff.

Is raw garbage worse than cooked?

As a Mainer I thought we’re legally required to have a smoke and a pint of Allen’s coffee brandy on us at all times.

Are you kidding? I see jackasses with their off road lights on all the time in the middle of the day. 

...promiscuous air flow...

Yup ... that car was owned by someone else.

What if you prefer crunchy or dare I say it ... extra crunchy?

I just cook whatever I can make on my grill.