
My boy likes to have hotdogs cut to look like an octopus. That’s basically the same thing, and I’m a Kardashian now.

I just mix my whiskey with one ice cube.

On behalf of everyone from the great state of Maine.

When your children are older you have to be concerned about the content of the game. Can’t play God of War when your six year old is watching but Twilight Princess is ok.

Wait ... Aren’t you both a journalist and scared of strangers already? Or is it that you’re a stranger and scared of journalists? I can never remember.

Because they’re a bunch of nerds an they’re scared of her.

I’m torn because on one hand I agree with you but on the other hand leave $kaycog alone you monster!

These are posted by community members not employees so there’s that.

Many people I’m sure.

Well my buddy had a Subbie wagon of this vintage and color so there is a little bit of nostalgia. Other than that you wouldn’t pull up next to yourself at the light.

Hawaiian AF cuz.

NP I’d DD this until it rusted out from underneath me.

The Realm had a system like this.

why wouldn’t they install them at the factory

The mascot for a school a couple towns over from me is an anthropomorphic bus.

Hopefully we can shame Mr. Flores Vigo and his descendants for thousands of years. 

Yes but they were using it ironically.

You were like

Sadly they will not see this as their own fault but only use it to reinforce their hatred.

Holy shit! This thread is enormous!