
Let’s just imagine the type of person driving this down the road and how they’d respond to some rando trying to get them to pull over on the highway. Upstanding citizen with no drugs in their vehicle and no warrants for their arrest? Probably not. Also they’ve been violently shaken for who knows how long. That’ll make

This is how you get shot.

The Vineyard Vines sticker on the back window is very jarring.

Ctrl + F “Subaru”

The Mazda also wasn’t hacked up to be a stance machine.

Needs more Skylanders.

I wouldn’t buy one for myself because I’m done purchasing sedans. Rear wiper or gtfac.

I’ve definitely owned and driven around in cars that looked like these.

New Jersians aren’t exactly known for their strict adherence to traffic laws.

Oppo has always been slightly anti-fp.

It’s easily only the money and space of 1/4 of a car.

Feed them to pigs.

Well ... it has two engines, which is nice.

They all honk like NY cabbies already. Your car is like a light whisper over their din.

You just told me the same thing over again using different wording.

I’ve beeped at hundreds of deer and never had one charge me. You got lucky I guess.

Oh I dunno I’ve ushered a few moose out of the road by beeping at them. It’s not 100% effective but it always alerts them to your presence.

I don’t have audio on my computer right now so I can’t watch the video of the interaction...

Here’s a pro tip. When you see wildlife in the road start blowing the horn. This will usually get the animals to gtfo of your way.