
I have a toaster that cooks bacon right now.

Best I can do is a blue one.

I just put my trunk stuff in a milk crate that I illegally acquired.

I just put my trunk stuff in a milk crate that I illegally acquired.

I’m getting my good spirits all the cocoa they can handle!



Yeah probably using crash to describe anything around the Dakar is asking for it.

And my Ax.

My buddy had this controller and used to play every game. It was not good but damn it looked awesome and he felt cool.

Hey, I think this guy just said I was handsome.


I’ve said that twice this week.

Would Orbital’s Tron Legacy soundtrack sound any different from Daft Punk’s?

I can’t fight back because this track put me to sleep.

I love Daft Punk, but this soundtrack is boring af.

5 years and 3 cars later and I still have this issue.

Yes. This is correct.

From the list I’d guess it is either a Nissan or FCA product.