Cal Zhone

I'm out. (hands over money)

There are a lot of movies I can rewatch, but there's something about Jaws, despite it's length, that grabs me in to finishing it from wherever I picked it up. The performances in that movie from the three leads are just so mesmerizing.

I love how Rick Perry makes me laugh every time he opens his mouth. Texas really did make their village idiot their governor.

Only if you paint a Hitler mustache on yourself. And even then, Mel Brooks would forgive you.

Oh no- At least for me- Jaws wins that by a country mile.

Isn't every excuse for poor behavior, the internet made me do it?

With his terrorist pally, Billy Ayers. They're going to blow shit up good.

"And I don't like the panties hanging on the curtain Quint."

Is there a more rewatchable movie?

Moe is their leader.

Needs more Pookie.

Right, said Fred?

Stupid babies need the most racism.

By giving the best blow jobs available.

That movie was a chore to sit through so I gave up after about thirty minutes. I couldn't believe how awful it was- McCarthy's comedy that is.

I didn't unfortunately. He seems like a good guy though.

Seriously- the ads for this couldn't scream-"I have nothing else to offer but this sad schtick" if it tried.

Yeah, McCarthy is trying to have her cake and eat it too if she doesn't realize her comedy is all about her fat deposits.

Funny story, I was on the toilet today, letting go of a real steamer when for some reason I remembered this is coming out.

She plays "fat crazy annoying and obnoxious" extremely well.