
"3 Second Rule" has been a favorite song of my friend Chanelle for about three years now. She also does an excellent track "Coffee or Tea" which also helps you unpack complex relationship dramas.


I'm allowed to think Zendaya's handling of the Giuliana sitch was incredible and wise and also NEVER WANT TO FUCKING HEAR ABOUT IT AGAIN, right?

Always on display?

Cher is the cat's ass.

In a story about violence against women on college campuses, all the parts of the story are important. I'm sorry you didn't pay any attention to the lessons learned from the poor journalism behind the Rolling Stone UVA fiasco, which has given fraternity boy rapists and colleges-as-corporations more power than they

Can't wait to see this. Kirby Dick did such a good job on The Invisible War.

I realize you'd have to take a day off from your important job as mayor of Jezebel commenting to actually do some research, but Hebrew Bible is the term archaeologists and scholars use to describe the Tanakh, the canonical Mikra, as it is less westernizing/Christianizing than Old Testament (or scriptures). I'm sorry,

Well for one thing, it means that the rapist faces some very real consequences for their actions as opposed to the slap on the wrist or no punishment at all that currently seems to be the norm. Usually when you apply to a school there is a question regarding disciplinary action at previous institutions, so I believe

Thanks for mansplaining that false flag frock thing to us.

out of the greys (or are they turquoise????)

a leg? but i see it as a face...

I'm curious about the training/procedure aspect; did the hospital really have enough time to develop these properly? It seems (just from being a news-reading bystander) that Ebola sort of exploded onto the scene a little quickly to have these things effectively in place by the time they were treating the patient. I

Oh, absolutely 100% fact.

Not only that, I guarantee that many of the twitter users expressing "outrage" probably never saw the skit and are just joining the pile-on.

You literally can't say, or do, anything these days without twitter erupting in outrage. It's the new normal.

I'm in. 9 months seems totally doable.

They've been called "The Pink Panther Gang" in the press before. I almost wrote about them for Cracked. They're a ballsy group who also pulled some pretty ballsy jail-breaks.

Double star you if I could. I have an addendum to the baby box. The alarm is pushed, first responders, hospitals, yes. But it also triggers an automatic list of people who have denied women a right to choose, and they are asked to find/be a parent for the baby, since they care so much.

I am in a listicle mood today, so: