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Funny article Lindy!


Engagement rings are not worth having In-Laws PERIOD. They are like a shittier version of your shitty family.

As an aspie, I read that without any sarcasm. Maybe your just reading too far into it.

The literary prairie goddess of my dreams!

I placed second in a demolition derby once! It was AWESOME. This girl is so bad ass. Can we please all just start having fun now?

That must be her secret! Victoria had an a-cup all along...

If push up bras are considered dishonest, then all bras are dishonest. I have pretty big boobs and without a bra they are not the perfectly sculpted sweater kittens everyone thinks they are. I'm going to sound so first wave here, but boobs are all differently shaped, so wearing something that makes a part your body

Is there kombucha in the oval office??? The president is a real person who populates his intestinal flora with delicious fizzy pro-biotic drinks????? My head just exploded. All those fermented beverages must be helping him power through this second term and get some good shit done.

Shut up Ethan Hawke. Your not a scientist. Homo sapiens are serial monogamists.

He didn't say it well, I agree. And the antisemitic reference? not okay. But it's still true and needs to be said.

Read the title to this article and immediately responded "I DO! I DO!"

holy shit. This is messed up, but this gif is the best thing I have seen all day. Bubbles!

Did someone say mashed potatoes?!


When you've experienced violence and your family rejects you or isn't there for you, sometimes the only thing you can do is realize that family is not the most important thing and reach out to other people like you in the public. I really hope people read her book and look forward to reading it myself. More light

This. is. amazing. She probably had more important things to do afterwards and was just prepping her hair for whatever awesome things Rihanna does that we can't even imagine. Also, now all know what a head wrap is....doubly awesome.

Haaaaalp meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Just kidding. Time for another red lipstick selfie...