*Completely* different situation I only put non-raw foods all over my body sooooooo
I can’t believe this thread! You brainwashed sheeple are obsessed with cleanliness! A little fucking dirt never hurt anybody! Natural oils are healthy! People that shower twice a day are the real freaks here! Use a towel twice, live a little! And I pee in the shower like every single time, fuck all yall
My mind went there too!!!
Cher is my spirit animal
Dannng that was good. Hooked!
Lol yeah Darius is my favorite
I fuckin knew it! Remember when they were “very much in love” what a joke...LOVE IS A JOKE haha *cries bitterly*
Watching Robot Ann Coulter shake with anger at every joke made at her expense was an amazing experience for me
Sooooo what does Rih have to say about this?!! Prob something like “i always knew that bitch was crazy”
Hahaha omg wait I found his twitter please look at this hilarious collection of “why doesnt my ex want me back” articles
Its horrible that we are poop-shamed. Poop in Peace. Free the Poop. Demand the Dump.
Congrats RiRi! Luh u girl 😍😍😍
Yeah I love Jez...and I love Hillary and yes I would obviously love to read an interview here but how would that benefit her campaign? I’m a bartender. A lot of young people I serve don’t read Jezebel. A lot do, yes, maybe in other spheres, but it doesnt compare with The View or even Buzzfeed (unfortunately). I know…
Lol exactly. I very so tired of hearing people argue about that very thing. It’s not hard for me to be a feminist..i love women...fuck..people act like if it doesn’t fit their brand specifically it must be wrong..not everyone will always agree..grow the fuck up
Yeah they’re like..”it shouldve been jezebel” etc etc “they only like poc females” literally someone said that...😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
They act like jezebel encourages censorship..ive been a reader for years..theyre full of shit
Did u see the comment thread on the gawker article where all the haters jumped all over jezebel? Jeez louise
live in new orleans so we’re fine but yall it seriously did not stop raining for three days. Morning noon and night. Lots of people have lost everything. If anyone wants to help, a baton rouge based sorority Zeta Phi Beta has started a gofundme to financially help families who have been misplaced or affected by the…
“Another female employee of Gawker Media has a more cynical take, suggesting that “they say it to remind you that they’re there so you can compliment them or soothe them like the big fucking babies they are.”